the Radio Attic's Archives

Radios Beginning with "Z"

Here are all the radios in the Archives with manufacturer's name beginning with the letter Z.  In those cases in which one model number is listed more than once, there were apparent variations in color, dial style/color, knobs, or year of manufacture in the images provided to the Archives.  Mouse-over the dot next to the model number to see a thumbnail image of the radio.  Click on the dot to see full-sized photograph(s) of the radio.  To see a different group of radios, click on a letter below to see radios beginning with that letter.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z   

         <- Zaney-Gill Music Box (1931) - Ben Martin
         <- Zaney-Gill Supertone - Mark Toppo
         <- Zaney-Gill Vitatone - Mike Simpson
         <- Zaney-Gill Vita-Tone Midget (1931) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zephyr (Japan) 232 - Ben Theiss
         <- Zephyr (Japan) AM-600 - Tom Moen
         <- Zephyr (Japan) AR-600 (1958) - Ben Martin
         <- Zephyr (Japan) TR-64 - Ben Theiss
         <- Zephyr (Japan) ZR-620 - Gary Ball
         <- Zephyr (Japan) ZR-740 - Tom Moen
         <- Zephyr (US) 25X7 - Phil Hall
         <- Zenette 230 - Jack Bailiff
         <- Zenette A (1931) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenette BH (1932) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenette LH (1931) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenette LH (1931) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenette LS - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 1-R - John Goller
         <- Zenith 2-M - John Goller
         <- Zenith 3R (1923) - Bruce Phillips
         <- Zenith 4-A-40 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 4-B-106 (1937) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 4-B-131 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-B-132 (1936) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith 4-B-231 (1938) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 4-B-313 - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 4-B-314 - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 4-B-317 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-B-422 (1940) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 4-B-437 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-D-613 - Tom Neely
         <- Zenith 4-F-133 - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith 4-F-153 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-F-227 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-F-231 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-G-800Z (1948) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith 4-G-800ZY - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith 4G800ZY (1948) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 4-G-800ZY (1948) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 4-G-903 (1950) - Lee Winsor
         <- Zenith 4G903-Y (1954) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith 4-K-310 (1939) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 4-K-331 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4K402 (1939) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith 4K402D (1940) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 4-K-422 (1940) - Steven Dean
         <- Zenith 4-K-515 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 4-K-535 - Julius Peitsch
         <- Zenith 4K600 (1941) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 4-K-616 - Norman Creller W8MPM
         <- Zenith 4-R-314 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 4-T-26 (1935) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 4-T-26 (1935) - W. Scott Thoams
         <- Zenith 4-T-51 - Steve Bornstein
         <- Zenith 4-V-31 (1936) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 4-V-59 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-A-01 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-A-07 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 5-A-10 - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 5C01 (1946) - Al Guy
         <- Zenith 5-D001Z (1946) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith 5-D-011 (1946) - Greg VanBeek
         <- Zenith 5-D-011W (1946) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-D-011Z (1946) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith 5-D-027 (1946) - Greg VanBeek
         <- Zenith 5-D-011 (1946) - John Hartman
         <- Zenith 5-D-610 (1941) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 5-D-610 - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 5-D-610 (1941) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith 5-D-611 (1942) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 5-D-611W - Cliff Colson
         <- Zenith 5-D-611W - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 5-D-625 - William Skaggs
         <- Zenith 5-D-625 (1941) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-D-625 - Bob Masterson
         <- Zenith 5-D-627 (1942) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 5-D-810Y (1949) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith 5-D-811 (1949) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-D-811W - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 5-D-2611 (1942) - Cliff Colson
         <- Zenith 5-D-2611N - Terry Foushee
         <- Zenith 5-D-2611W (1942) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-F-134 (1936) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 5-F-166 - Mark Palmquist
         <- Zenith 5-F-233 - Randy & Sherry Guttery
         <- Zenith 5G003 (1947) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 5G01 (1949) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-G-03 - Terry Schwartz
         <- Zenith 5-G-03B - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 5G40 - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 5-G-41 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 5-G-41 - Bob Hoke
         <- Zenith 5G401 - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith 5-G-403 (1940) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 5-G-438 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5G500 (1948) - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith 5-G-534 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-G-537 (1941) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 5-G-617 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 5-G-636 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 5-J-217 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-J-247 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-J-255 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-K-037 - Bob Rainey
         <- Zenith 5-L-228 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-M-02Z1 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 5R09V - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 5-R-086 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-R-135 (1937) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 5-R-136 (1937) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 5-R-216 - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 5-R-216 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-R-216 (1937) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-R-226 (1938) Child's Radio- Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-R-236 - Dave Hurt
         <- Zenith 5-R-237 (1938) - Bill Wheeler
         <- Zenith 5-R-312 (1939) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 5-R-312 - Jeff Goldsmith
         <- Zenith 5-R-312 (1938) - Russ Stauffer
         <- Zenith 5-R-312 (1938) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 5-R-316 (1939) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-R-316 (1938) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 5-R-317 (1939) - Tom Hunt
         <- Zenith 5-R-327 (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-R-337 - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 5-R-510R - Doyle Roberts
         <- Zenith 5-R-680 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-R-686 (1942) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 5-R-886Z - Tim Sullivan
         <- Zenith 5-R-3376 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 5-S-22 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-S-29 (1936) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 5-S-29 (1936) - Roger Dillon
         <- Zenith 5-S-29 (1936) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 5-S-56 (1936) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 5-S-119 (1937) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 5-S-126 (1936) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 5-S-126 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-S-127 (1937) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith 5-S-128A (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 5-S-151 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 5-S-216 - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 5-S-218 (1938) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 5-S-219 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-S-220 (1938) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 5-S-226 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-S-228 (1938) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith 5-S-228W - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 5-S-237 (1938) - Bill Wheeler
         <- Zenith 5-S-237 - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 5-S-250 (1938) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 5-S-252 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 5-S-310 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5-S-319 (1939) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 5-S-320 (1939) - Bob Masterson
         <- Zenith 5-S-320 (1939) - Charlie Livingston, Jr.
         <- Zenith 5-S-327 (1939) - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith 5-S-338 (1939) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 5-S-339 (1939) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 5-S-622 (1937) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 5-V-31 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 5Y01 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 5Y01 (1955) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-A-05 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-A-05 (1941) - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith 6-A-223 (1939) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 6-A-229 - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith 6-B-107 (1937) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 6-B-129 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-B-129 (1937) - William Skaggs
         <- Zenith 6-B-131 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-B-164 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 6-B-321 - Gary T. Lane
         <- Zenith 6-B-524T - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith 6-D-014 (1946) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6D014 (1946) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-015 (1946) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-015 (1946) - Tom Hunt
         <- Zenith 6-D-015Z (1946) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-029 (1946) - Larry Wyrick
         <- Zenith 6-D-030 (1946) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-21 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-D-116 (1937) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-D-127 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-D-219 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-D-221 (1938) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith 6-D-302 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-D-311 (1938) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 6-D-311 (1939) - Steven Sostrom
         <- Zenith 6-D-311 (1939) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-311 (1939) - Greg VanBeek
         <- Zenith 6-D-311 (1939) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-312 (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-D-312 (1938) - Tom Ducro
         <- Zenith 6-D-314 (1938) - Mike Biddison
         <- Zenith 6-D-314 (1938) - Kenny Boyd
         <- Zenith 6-D-315 (1940) - Larry Martine
         <- Zenith 6-D-316 (1939) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 6-D-317 (1939) - Kenny Boyd
         <- Zenith 6-D-326 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-D-336 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-D-410 (1939) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-410 (1939) - Tom Hayes
         <- Zenith 6-D-413 (1940) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-413 (1940) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 6-D-414 - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith 6-D-425 (1940) - Joe Verville
         <- Zenith 6-D-427 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith 6-D-510 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-510W (1941) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 6-D-512 - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 6-D-512 (1941) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-D-512 (1941) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-512 (1941) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 6-D-516 - Kenny Boyd
         <- Zenith 6-D-516 (1940) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith 6-D-516 - Nicolo Salerno
         <- Zenith 6-D-516 (1941) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-D-516 (1941) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-520 (1941) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-520 - Don May
         <- Zenith 6-D-520 - Charles Patterson
         <- Zenith 6-D-520-W (1940) - John Hartman
         <- Zenith 6-D-525 (1941) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-525 (1941) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 6-D-525 (1941) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith 6-D-526 (1941) - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith 6-D-526 (1938) - Richard Brill
         <- Zenith 6-D-538 (1941) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-539 - Ron Schilling K7LN
         <- Zenith 6-D-610 (1941) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-612 (1942) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-D-612 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-612 (1942) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-612W (1942) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-614 (1942) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 6-D-614 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-614 (1942) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 6-D-614W (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-615 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-615 - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-616 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 6-D-619 (1942) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-D-621 - Joe & Cheri Schuster
         <- Zenith 6-D-625 (1941) - Bob Masterson
         <- Zenith 6-D-625 (1941) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith 6-D-628 (1942) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 6-D-629 (1942) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith 6-D-630 (1942) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 6-D-630 (1942) - William Skaggs
         <- Zenith 6-D-644 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-D-815 (1948) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 6-D-815 (1949) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-D-828 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-D-2614 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-D-2615 (1942) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6D2615N - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 6-D-2620 (1942) - David Martin
         <- Zenith 6-D-2620N (1942) - David Martin
         <- Zenith 6-DL-122 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6G001Y (1946) - Roger Dillon
         <- Zenith 6G001YX (1946) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith 6G001YZ1 (1946) - Paul Reilly
         <- Zenith 6G001ZY (1947) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith 6G004Y Global - Art Schrameck
         <- Zenith 6G05 - Terry Foushee
         <- Zenith 6G05A - Conrad Field
         <- Zenith 6G05B - Conrad Field
         <- Zenith 6G038R -
         <- Zenith 6G501 (1941) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith 6G501L - Art Schrameck
         <- Zenith 6G601L (1941-42) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6G-601M (1942) - Paul Chagnon
         <- Zenith 6G601M - Charles Kent
         <- Zenith 6-G-601M (1941) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 6-G-630 - Tim Sullivan
         <- Zenith 6-G-638 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 6-G-801 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith 6G801 (1949) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 6G801 (1948) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith 6G801Y - Sal Brisindi
         <- Zenith 6J05 - Bruce Risley
         <- Zenith 6-J-230 (1938) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 6-J-322 (1939) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 6-J-357 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 6-J-436 (1940) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-J-463 - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith 6-P-417 - Paul Turney
         <- Zenith 6-P-417 (1940) - Tom Hayes
         <- Zenith 6-P-429 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-P-448 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-R-087 (1946) - Brad Matter
         <- Zenith 6-R-583 - Arthur Hass
         <- Zenith 6-R-631 (1941) - Joe Meinhardt
         <- Zenith 6-R-880 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 6-R-886 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 6-R-960LP - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith 6-S-27 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-29 (1937) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-33 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-52 (1937) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 6-S-55 - Joseph Napoli
         <- Zenith 6-S-127 - Nicolo Salerno
         <- Zenith 6-S-128 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-128 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-128A (1937) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 6-S-137 (1937) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-147 - Tony Keylon
         <- Zenith 6-S-152 (1937) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 6-S-157 - Phil Dellinger
         <- Zenith 6-S-203 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-219 (1937) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 6-S-220 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-222 (1937) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-S-223 (1938) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 6-S-226 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-229 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-229A (export?)- Art Schrameck
         <- Zenith 6-S-238 (1938) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 6-S-239 (1938) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 6-S-241 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-249 (1938) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 6-S-249 (1938) - David (Doc) Holladay
         <- Zenith 6-S-254 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-254 - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 6-S-256 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-275 - Jack Bailiff
         <- Zenith 6-S-304 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-321 (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-322 (1939) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 6-S-322 (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-330 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 6-S-330 (1939) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 6-S-332 (1939) - Wes Mayers
         <- Zenith 6-S-339 - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 6-S-340 - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 6-S-341 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-361 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 6-S-362 (1938) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 6-S-439 (1940) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 6-S-511 (1941) - David Martin
         <- Zenith 6-S-511W - Lynn Toppo
         <- Zenith 6-S-527 (1941) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith 6-S-527 (1941) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-S-527 (1941) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-S-528 (1941) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith 6-S-532 - Ken Ruggiero
         <- Zenith 6-S-546 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-556 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith 6-S-580 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-627 (1941) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 6-S-631 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 6-S-632 (1942) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 6-S-646 - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 6-S-656 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 6-S-832 - Ray Paquette
         <- Zenith 6-V-27 (1936) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith 7A02 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 7-A-04 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7C05 - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 7-D-127 - Bob Sweeney
         <- Zenith 7-D-168 (Ebony)- Steven Turner
         <- Zenith 7-D-168 - Steven Turner
         <- Zenith 7-D-216 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 7-D-241 (1931) - Todd Ommert
         <- Zenith 7-F-02 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 7G01 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 7-G-02 (1950) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith 7G05 Sailboat -
         <- Zenith 7G605 (Special Order)- Art Schrameck
         <- Zenith 7G-605 (1942) Bomber- Jeffrey Buda
         <- Zenith 7H02 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 7H027 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 7H04 - Terry Foushee
         <- Zenith 7-H-820 (1950) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 7-H-820 (1948) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith 7-H-820H - Robert Casey
         <- Zenith 7-H-820Z - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith 7-H-822 (1949) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 7H822 (1943) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 7-H-822WZ (1949) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith 7H822Z - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith 7-H-912Z - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 7H918 (1949) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith 7-H-920 (1949) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith 7-H-920 (1950) - Palette Contemporary Art & Craft
         <- Zenith 7H922 (1950) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith 7-J-045T (1941) - Jerry Talbott
         <- Zenith 7-J-232 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 7-J-259 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-J-328 (1939) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 7-J-357 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 7K01 - Paul Chagnon
         <- Zenith 7-S-28 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 7-S-28A (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 7-S-53 (1936) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 7-S-232 (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 7-S-232AT (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 7-S-240 (1938) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 7-S-242 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-258 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-260 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 7-S-323 (1939) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 7-S-342 (1939) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 7-S-363 (1939) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 7-S-364 (1939) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 7-S-366 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-432 (1939) - Wes Mayers
         <- Zenith 7-S-432 (1939) - David Martin
         <- Zenith 7-S-433 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-433 (1940) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 7-S-434 - Martin Blankenship
         <- Zenith 7-S-449 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-462 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-462 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith 7-S-487 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-527 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-529 (1941) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 7-S-530 (1941) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 7-S-547 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-554 - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 7-S-557 - Dave Hurt
         <- Zenith 7-S-558 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-582 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 7-S-629 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-630 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-632 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 7-S-633 (1942) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 7-S-633R (1942) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith 7-S-634 (1942) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 7-S-657 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 7-S-657R - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 7-S-682 (1942) Beverly- Garrett Lyang
         <- Zenith 7-S-684 (1942) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 7-S-685 (1942) Carleton- Tom Wieland
         <- Zenith 7-S-733R - Dave Schmarder
         <- Zenith 7-X-258 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 8A02 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 8-A-02 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 8AT19 - Joe Ricci
         <- Zenith 8-D-829 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 8G005 (1947) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 8G005T (1947) - Bob Masterson
         <- Zenith 8G005TZ1Y - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 8G005Y (1946) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 8G005YT (1946) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 8G005YTZ1 (1946) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith 8H023 (1946) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 8H023 - Robert Casey
         <- Zenith 8-H-034 (1946) - Tom Hunt
         <- Zenith 8H034Z - Robert Casey
         <- Zenith 8-H-023Y - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 8-H-832 (1948) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 8HA23 - Lee Desrosiers
         <- Zenith 8-S-15 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 8-S-129 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 8-S-137 (1937) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 8-S-154 (1937) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 8-S-154H (1937) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 8-S-322 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 8-S-359 (1939) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 8-S-432 - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 8-S-433 (1940) - Keith Schubert
         <- Zenith 8-S-434 (1940) - David Martin
         <- Zenith 8-S-443 (1940) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 8-S-451 - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 8-S-463 (1940) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 8-S-531 - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 8-S-548 (1941) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 8-S-563 - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 8-S-563F - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 8-S-563X (1941) - Paul Dietenberger
         <- Zenith 8-S-587 - Kim Herron W8ZV
         <- Zenith 8-S-593 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 8-S-631 (1941) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 8-S-647 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 8-S-661 - Randy Johnson
         <- Zenith 8-T-01 - Ken Ruggiero
         <- Zenith 8Y02 (1956) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith 9-A-30A (1936) - Todd Ommert
         <- Zenith 9F22 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 9-H-079 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 9-H-081 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 9-H-881 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 9-H-984LP - Donald Ignatius
         <- Zenith 9-S-30 (1936) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 9-S-30 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 9-S-30A (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 9-S-54 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 9-S-54 - John Hufnagel
         <- Zenith 9-S-55 - Eric Perkins
         <- Zenith 9-S-232 (1938) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 9-S-232AT (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 9-S-242 (1938) - Michael O'Brien
         <- Zenith 9-S-244 (1937) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith 9-S-262 (1938) - David (Doc) Holladay
         <- Zenith 9-S-263 (1938) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 9-S-264 -
         <- Zenith 9-S-324 (1939) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 9-S-344 (1939) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 9-S-365 (1939) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 9-S-367 (1939) - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith 9-S-369 (1939) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 9-S-1429 - Mark Palmquist
         <- Zenith 10-A-1 - Ken Hoffman
         <- Zenith 10-A-1 (1937) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith 10-A-3 (1941) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 10-H-207 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 10-H-571 (1940) Spinet- Robert Haworth
         <- Zenith 10-H-573 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 10-S-130 (1937) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 10-S-147 -
         <- Zenith 10-S-153 (1937) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 10-S-155 -
         <- Zenith 10-S-156 (1937) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 10-S-157 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 10-S-160 (1937) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 10-S-452 (1940) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 10-S-464 (1941) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 10-S-470 (1940) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 10-S-531 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 10-S-549 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 10-S-566 (1941) - Bob Olson
         <- Zenith 10-S-567 (1941) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 10-S-571 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 10-S-668 (1942) - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 10-S-669 (1942) - Jeff Rasnake
         <- Zenith 10-S-669 (1941) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 10-S-690 - John Brautlacht
         <- Zenith 11-C-21 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 11E (1928) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 11-S-474 (1940) - Glenn Anderson
         <- Zenith 11-S-475 - Mike Simpson
         <- Zenith 12-A-3 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-A-57 -
         <- Zenith 12-A-57Y (1936) - Todd Ommert
         <- Zenith 12-A-58 -
         <- Zenith 12-A-58 (Ebony)- Steven Turner
         <- Zenith 12-H-019 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-H-090 - Jon Stanley
         <- Zenith 12-H-092 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 12-H-093 - James LeFevre
         <- Zenith 12-H-094E - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 12-H-650 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 12-H-670 - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 12-H-670 - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 12-H-689 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-232 (1938) - Roger Dillon
         <- Zenith 12-S-245 (1938) - Keith Schubert
         <- Zenith 12-S-265 (1938) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 12-S-266 (1938) - Phil Bartells
         <- Zenith 12-S-267 -
         <- Zenith 12-S-268 - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 12-S-350 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-370 - Sonny Clutter
         <- Zenith 12-S-371 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-374 (1938) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 12-S-445 (1940) - Todd Ommert
         <- Zenith 12-S-453 (1940) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith 12-S-471 (1940) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith 12-S-475 - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 12-S-494 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-568 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-568 - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 12-S-569 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-595 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 12-S-599 - Phil Hall
         <- Zenith 12-U-158 (1937) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 12-U-159 (1937) - Joe Millward
         <- Zenith 14 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 14-E - Corey GIlley
         <- Zenith 15-S-372 - Dennis Dietz
         <- Zenith 15-S-373 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 15-S-469 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 15-S-479 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 15-U-246 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 15-U-269 (1938) - Buzz Stone
         <- Zenith 15-U-270 -
         <- Zenith 15-U-271 - Bob Snively
         <- Zenith 15-U-272 (1937) Georgian- David (Doc) Holladay
         <- Zenith 15-U-273 Louis XV - Lyndell Scott
         <- Zenith 16-A-61 Stratosphere -
         <- Zenith 16-A-63 Stratosphere -
         <- Zenith 21 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 29 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 33 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 33-X - Tim Sullivan
         <- Zenith 35 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 39 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 39A (1929) - Mark McClure
         <- Zenith 42 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 52 (1929) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 52-522 - Steve Wallis
         <- Zenith 60 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 61 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 62 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 72 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 77 (1930) - Western Historic Radio Museum
         <- Zenith 92 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 115 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 142R - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith 230 (1933) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 244 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 288 (1934) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 330 (1939) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 400-B - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith 410 (1933) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 411 (1933) - Steven Sostrom
         <- Zenith 420 (1932) - Chris Wysong
         <- Zenith 440 - Sonny Clutter
         <- Zenith 442 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 443 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 468 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 508V - Ken Legare
         <- Zenith 510R (1954) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith 510W - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith 511W (1955) - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith 513 (1956) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith 514V - Unattributed
         <- Zenith 515 (1954) - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith 515W (1957) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith 516Y (1950) - Jon Stanley
         <- Zenith 519 (1952) - Richard Brill
         <- Zenith 522 (1930) - Keith Park
         <- Zenith 526 - Gary Froehlich
         <- Zenith 600 Series (leather) -
         <- Zenith 618 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 701 (1933) - Kenny Boyd
         <- Zenith 705 (1934) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith 705 - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 706 (1933) - Sonny Clutter
         <- Zenith 711 (1933) - Jorge Llacer
         <- Zenith 712 (1933) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith 715 (1935) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 723Z1 (1950) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith 730 (1946) - Richard Brill
         <- Zenith 730G - Paul Reilly
         <- Zenith 744 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 765 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 767 Aviatrix - Bob Snively
         <- Zenith 770 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 775B (1934) - Western Historic Radio Museum
         <- Zenith 790 Super Navigator - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith 805 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 805 - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 805 (1934) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith 807 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 808 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 809 -
         <- Zenith 811 - Bob Snively
         <- Zenith 812 -
         <- Zenith 825 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 827 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 829 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 829S - David Dorosh
         <- Zenith 834 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 835 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 847 - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith 850 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 860 (1934) - Jorge Llacer
         <- Zenith 860 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 861 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 880 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 886 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 908 (1935) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith 922 - Bryan Kelley
         <- Zenith 950 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 960 - Larry Long
         <- Zenith 975 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 978 - John Goller
         <- Zenith 990 -
         <- Zenith 1000Z -
         <- Zenith 2000 (1959) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 5420 - John Balliett
         <- Zenith 5768 (1941) - Steven Dean
         <- Zenith 7000-1 - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith 60614 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith 541876 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith 2730219 (1965) - Richard Brill
         <- Zenith A2 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith A42W - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith A-402 (1957) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith A-464-L - Will Daniels
         <- Zenith A508R (1957) - Dwight Hill
         <- Zenith A510W - Jason Colombini
         <- Zenith A510Y (1957) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Zenith A-510Y - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Zenith A513A (1956) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith A513G (1956) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith A513R (1956) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith A515V (1958) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith A516 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith A519-F - Rick Caouette
         <- Zenith A-600 (1958) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith A600L (1957) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith A615G - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith A615R (1955) - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith A733 - Paul Turney
         <- Zenith A733 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith A825 - Jim Wilson
         <- Zenith A835E (1956) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith Aristocrat - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Aviatrix - John Goller
         <- Zenith B400Y - Dwight Hill
         <- Zenith B508R - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Zenith B-509 (1959) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith B509V - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith B-511L (1959) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith B513F (1959) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith B513L - Will Daniels
         <- Zenith B513L (1959) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith B513V (1959) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith B514 - Cliff Colson
         <- Zenith B515-5 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith B-600 (1959) - Adam M. Czepiel
         <- Zenith B600L - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith B615F (1959) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith B615G (1959) - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith B-615L - Phil Hall
         <- Zenith B724G (1948) - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith B728 (1959) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith B730R - Robert Casey
         <- Zenith B835E (1956) - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith B835R (1956) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith B835R (1953) - John Allen
         <- Zenith Baby Zenith - John Goller
         <- Zenith C25 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith C519 - Paul Shinn
         <- Zenith C-519 - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith C-519L - Phil Hall
         <- Zenith C520V - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Zenith C724 (1959) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith C724G (1950) - Bryan Kelley
         <- Zenith C724W (1955) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith C725F (1959) - Jeff Moreland
         <- Zenith C725L (1963) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith C730 - Greg Putrich
         <- Zenith C730 (1953) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith C730E - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith C730R - Jim Gordon
         <- Zenith C835 (1956) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith C835H (1956) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith C845 (1960) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith C845L (1959) - Robert Levin
         <- Zenith C845Y (1959) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Converta 50 (1962) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith D513L (1959) - Michael G. Koerner
         <- Zenith D513Y (1959) - Eric Miller
         <- Zenith D-611 (1942) - Gordon Wilson
         <- Zenith D715 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Zenith D720C (1960) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith E210P-1 - James Coyle
         <- Zenith E412W (1961) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith E-441 - Bob Masterson
         <- Zenith E-441-W - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith E514B - Keith Dennison
         <- Zenith E-514B - Jason Colombini
         <- Zenith F508B (1958) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith F508L (1960) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith F-510 - George Aalto
         <- Zenith F605 (1950) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith F615 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith FA10P2 - James Coyle
         <- Zenith G-500 (1949) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith G503 - Allie Lingo
         <- Zenith G-503Y - Charles Kent
         <- Zenith G510 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith G510Y (1950) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith G511 (1950) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith G515P - Steve Svizzero
         <- Zenith G-516 - Tim Sullivan
         <- Zenith G-516 (1950) - Greg Jewett
         <- Zenith G516 - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith G516 (1950) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith G516B (1951) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith G-516W (1950) - Bob Atchison
         <- Zenith G615 - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith G615 (1950) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith G723 (1950) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith G724 - Kevin Albaugh
         <- Zenith G725 - William Skaggs
         <- Zenith G730 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith G730 (1959) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith G752 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith G884 (1950) - James LeFevre
         <- Zenith H-401G - Unattributed
         <- Zenith H-422P - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith H-500 (1951) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith H503 (1951) -
         <- Zenith H503Y (1952) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith H509 - Terry Foushee
         <- Zenith H509C - Donald Ignatius
         <- Zenith H-511 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith H-511 (1951) - Larry Wyrick
         <- Zenith H-511 (1951) (with CD markings)- Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith H-511 (1951) - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith H-511F (1951) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith H-511W (1951) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith H-511Y (1951) (with CD markings)- Bob Latino
         <- Zenith H-511Y (1951) - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith H-615 (1951) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith H-615 (1951) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Zenith H-615 - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith H-615 (1952) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith H-615 (1951) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith H615F - Charles Kent
         <- Zenith H615FZ1 (1952) - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith H-615W - William Skaggs
         <- Zenith H-615Y (1951) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith H615Z (1951) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith H615Z1 (1952) - Unattributed
         <- Zenith H-615ZY-P (1951) - William Skaggs
         <- Zenith H-664 (1951) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith H715 - Ron Potter
         <- Zenith H-723 (1948) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Zenith H-723 (1951) - Bryan Kelley
         <- Zenith H-723 (1962) - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith H-723 (1960) - John Kogel
         <- Zenith H-723Z (1950) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith H723Z2 (no CD marks) (1952) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith H723Z2 (with CD marks) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith H724 (1951) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith H-724Z (1951) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith H724Z2 (1952) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith H724Z2 (1951) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith H-725 - Tim Sullivan
         <- Zenith H725 (1951) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith H725 (1950) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith H845 (1964) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith H880R - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith J421W - D. Bruce Champeon
         <- Zenith J465W1 (1966) - Richard Brill
         <- Zenith J504 (1953) - David Martin
         <- Zenith J504-Y - Doug Ducor
         <- Zenith J506C - Joe & Cheri Schuster
         <- Zenith J512 - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith J514 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith J514GR (1953) - John Allen
         <- Zenith J514W - Bob Holmberg
         <- Zenith J584W - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith J615 (1952) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith J615F - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith J615G - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith J615W (1952) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith J615Y (1952) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith J-616 (1952) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith J616 (1952) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith J727 (1963) - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith J-727C (1962) - Matthew Taylor
         <- Zenith J-733 (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith K401 - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith K412 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith K412G - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith K-412R (1940) - Richard Rodgers
         <- Zenith K-412W (1953) - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith K-412YT (1950) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith K421W - D. Bruce Champeon
         <- Zenith K472W - James Coyle
         <- Zenith K508C (1967) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith K510 (1952) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith K510W - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith K510Y (1952) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith K511C (1963) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith K-515 (1953) - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith K-518 (1953) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith K-518 (1952) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith K615 (1952) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith K-622 (1953) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith K622 (1953) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith K-622 (1953) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith K666 (1953) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith K725 (1953) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith K725 - Don Maurer
         <- Zenith K725 - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith K725C (1963) - Paul Chagnon
         <- Zenith K725W - Richard Linsley
         <- Zenith K731 (1963) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith K731 (1959) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith K5126 (1953) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith L Zenette- Paul Turney
         <- Zenith L401 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Zenith L403 (1953) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith L420 - Mark Malin
         <- Zenith L505 (1953) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith L505 (1953) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith L513 - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith L513W (1964) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith L514 (1964) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith L514G - Steve Adams
         <- Zenith L514W - Paul Turney
         <- Zenith L515 - Terry Schwartz
         <- Zenith L515 (1953) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith L515F (1954) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith L515W -
         <- Zenith L-515Y (1954) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith L516L (1964) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith L516W (1964) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith L520 (1953) - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith L-520 (1954) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith L520F - Gary Froehlich
         <- Zenith L520-W (1954) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith L-600 (1954) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith L-600 (cowhide) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith L-622 (1953) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith L-622 (1953) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith L622G - Terry Schwartz
         <- Zenith L624 - Robert Casey
         <- Zenith L-721 (1954) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith L722 - Paul Turney
         <- Zenith L-723W - John Kogel
         <- Zenith L727 (1964) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith L727 (1963) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith LG22-W - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith M403 - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith M403 (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith M-403 (1953) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith M-403 (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith M504L - Jason Colombini
         <- Zenith M504W - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith M505 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith M508W - Unattributed
         <- Zenith M510R (1954) - Tom Hunt
         <- Zenith M510-W (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith M-531-G (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith M-660 (1964) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith M660A - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith M722 (1956) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith M-728 - Donald De Cuir
         <- Zenith M729 - Bob Holmberg
         <- Zenith M730 (1959) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith M730W (1965) - Eric Miller
         <- Zenith MH910 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith MJ1035 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Zenith MJ1035-1 (1963) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith MM2606 - Gerry Yurescko
         <- Zenith N731 - Bob Holmberg
         <- Zenith N731 - Don Maurer
         <- Zenith R41W - Jerry Trim
         <- Zenith R73J2 (1970) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith R-147/TRC Radio Receiver- Adam M. Czepiel
         <- Zenith R-337 (1938) - Tom Hunt
         <- Zenith R509F - Unattributed
         <- Zenith R509V - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith R-509Y (1956) - Lew Magrish
         <- Zenith R-510R (1955) - Larry Wyrick
         <- Zenith R511 (1955) - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith R511-F (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R-511R (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R-511V (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R-511W (1955) - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith R-511W (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R-511W (1951) - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith R-512 - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith R-512-F - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Zenith R-512-R (1955) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith R-512V (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R512Y - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith R514V - Paul Turney
         <- Zenith R-519V (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R520/URR - Allie Lingo
         <- Zenith R520A (1963) Military Version- Art Schrameck
         <- Zenith R-521F (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R-521R (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R521Y (1955) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith R566 (1955) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith R600 (1954) Trans-Oceanic- Ken Smith
         <- Zenith R-615 (1954) (with CD marks)- Ben Martin
         <- Zenith R-615 (1958) (no CD marks)- Ben Martin
         <- Zenith R623F - Joe & Cheri Schuster
         <- Zenith R-623-G (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R721 - Doyle Roberts
         <- Zenith R724 (1950) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith R-733 (1952) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith R-1000 (M) (1957) (Military)- Art Schrameck
         <- Zenith R-7000 -
         <- Zenith R7000-1 - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith R7000-2 - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith R7000Y (1970) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Radio Nurse (1937) - Mike Schultz
         <- Zenith Radio Nurse - John Goller
         <- Zenith RB42C - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith RC74R (1974) - Richard Brill
         <- Zenith RD-14 - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith RE26-Y - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith RE27Y - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith RE-47W - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith RE-71J - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith RE-94Y - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith RF-88Y - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 11 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 12 - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith Royal 13 - Jim Goodknecht
         <- Zenith Royal 14 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 15 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 16 (1968) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 16 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 16 (1968) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 16 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 16Y (1965) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 20 (1968) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 21 (1967) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 25 (1966) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 25-1 (1966) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 27 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 35 - Jack Tiggleman, KA8FQS
         <- Zenith Royal 39 - Elliott Hill
         <- Zenith Royal 40 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 40 - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 50 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50 (1960) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 50 (1962) - Glenn Lawson
         <- Zenith Royal 50 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50 with Converta Speaker- Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Royal 50H (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50H (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50K (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50K (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50L (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50L (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50L (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50L (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50WK (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 50YL - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith Royal 51 - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 51-1 (1965) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 55 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 56 (1965) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 59 - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 59 (1965) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 59-1 (1965) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 59-1 (1965) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 60 (1963) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 64 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 76 (1967) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Royal 84 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 85 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 85 - Tom Moen
         <- Zenith Royal 90 (1963) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 125 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 130 (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 150 (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 185 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 200 (1958) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 200 (1959) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 200 (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 250 (1959) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 250 (1959) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 265 (1962) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 265 (1963) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 265 (1963) - John Kaetz
         <- Zenith Royal 275 (1959) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 275 (1959) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 275 (1962) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 285 (1964) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 300 (1957) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 300 (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 300 (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 400 - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith Royal 400 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 400 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 400 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 400 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 450 - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith Royal 450 (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 475 - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith Royal 475 (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500 - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500 (1957) - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 500 (1957) - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 500 (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500 (1957) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 500 - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Royal 500A (1956) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 500B (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500B (1956) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500B (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500B (1956) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 500B (1956) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 500D (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500D (1958) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal 500D (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500D (1958) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 500E (1959) - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 500E - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 500E - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Royal 500E-1 (1963) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 500FL (1964) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500H (1961) - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 500H (1961) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500H - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500H - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500H-1 (1963) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500H Deluxe (1961) - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 500L (1964) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500N (1965) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500RB (1956) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 500RD (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 670 (1963) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 675 - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith Royal 675LG (1962) - Lenny Bickford
         <- Zenith Royal 700 (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 705 (1963) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 710 - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith Royal 750 (1957) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 755 (1959) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 755G (1956) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 755LK - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Royal 755M (755 Deluxe)- Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 760 (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 780 - Sal D'Ambra
         <- Zenith Royal 790YM (1965) Super Navigator- Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 800 (1955) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 800 (1956) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 810 - Ben Theiss
         <- Zenith Royal 850 (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 880 (1963) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith Royal 900 (1959) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 950 (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 1000 (1957) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 1000-1 (1958) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal 1000D (1960) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith Royal 2000 (1959) - Forrest Anderson
         <- Zenith Royal 2000-1 (1965) - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith Royal 3000 (1963) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 3000-1 (1965) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith Royal 7000 (1969) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal 7000-1 - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith Royal 7000-2 (1981) - Roger Dillon
         <- Zenith Royal 7000Y-1 - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal B21 (1965) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal C25 (1964) - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Royal D7000Y (1973) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Royal R16L2 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Royal T (1957) Phone Magnet- Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith RS47W - Jim Gordon
         <- Zenith S829 -
         <- Zenith S-9019 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Zenith S-11680 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith S-14020 - Lynn Toppo
         <- Zenith S-19818 - Walter Babcock
         <- Zenith S-21634 - Gary Gill
         <- Zenith S-43497 (1959) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith S-49654 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith Super 7 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith Super Zenith IX (1925) - John Goller
         <- Zenith Super Zenith VII (1925) - Western Historic Radio Museum
         <- Zenith T315W - Herman Schnur
         <- Zenith T402 - Earl Almdale
         <- Zenith T-404 - Sal Brisindi
         <- Zenith T-404 - Gary Arnold
         <- Zenith T521F (1956) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith T521R (1956) - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Zenith T522G (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith T522G (1954) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith T524-R - Greg Bingham
         <- Zenith T-600 (1955) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith T-600L (1955) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith T-723 (1956) - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith T723 (1956) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith T-724 (1956) - Bob Latino
         <- Zenith T825 (1955) - Charles Kent
         <- Zenith T825 - Ed Schutz
         <- Zenith T2518 - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith T2519L1 - John Hartman
         <- Zenith T-2542 (1963) - Paul Sanders
         <- Zenith Universal (1940) - Bill Jeffrey
         <- Zenith X174W - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith X316 - Donald Ignatius
         <- Zenith X316 - Bob Holmberg
         <- Zenith X316 - Mitchell Reiss
         <- Zenith X318 - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith X323 (1959) - Paul Shinn
         <- Zenith X334 - Greg Putrich
         <- Zenith X334 (1959) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith X337W (1967) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith X385 (1967) - Tom Harris
         <- Zenith X390 (1963) - Steve Fullmer
         <- Zenith X390W - Joe & Cheri Schuster
         <- Zenith X-509R - Jason Colombini
         <- Zenith X509Y - Tim Moen
         <- Zenith X-514 - Greg Mercurio
         <- Zenith X-514W (1955) - Gary Fletcher
         <- Zenith X519 (1955) - Mike Boessen
         <- Zenith X733 (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith X733 (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith XD50G (1961) - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith XD50W - Robert Casey
         <- Zenith Y164C (1960) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Y276W - Grand Canyon Tube Radio
         <- Zenith Y-280A - Gary Ball
         <- Zenith Y-506L - S. Gath
         <- Zenith Y513 (1955) - Steve Tardi
         <- Zenith Y513 (1955) - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith Y514 (1956) - Steven Sostrom
         <- Zenith Y600 - Roger Dillon
         <- Zenith Y-600 (1957) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith Y615 (1958) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Zenith Y615R - Gene Bunnell
         <- Zenith Y723 (1956) - Mark Toppo
         <- Zenith Y723G (1955) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith Y724 - Unattributed
         <- Zenith Y724 (1956) - Bob Horace
         <- Zenith Y820 - Dave Schmarder
         <- Zenith Y-825 (1956) - Ben Martin
         <- Zenith Y832 (1955) - Paul Shinn
         <- Zenith Y832 (1956) - Tom Albrecht
         <- Zenith Z260W - Art Hoch
         <- Zenith Z316W - George Aalto
         <- Zenith Z402-F - Bob Warren
         <- Zenith Z404L (1956) - Larry Wyrick
         <- Zenith Z510-G (1956) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith Z511-R - Jim Dennis
         <- Zenith Z512G - Ed Schutz
         <- Zenith Z512Y - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith Z519-V (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith Z-522G - Jason Colombini
         <- Zenith Z524 - Jim Wassell
         <- Zenith Z615F (1956) - Larry Wyrick
         <- Zenith Z615G (1956) - Palette Contemporary Art & Craft
         <- Zenith Z-615R (1957) - Ken Smith
         <- Zenith Z615W - Joe Ricci
         <- Zenith Z733 - Ed Schutz
         <- Zenith Z733 (1955) - David Spivey
         <- Zenith Z845L - Bob Holmberg
         <- Zenith Z966 (1969) - Adam M. Czepiel
         <- Zenith ZA-70JR - Thomas Grondin
         <- Zenith ZX-5 Military Trans-Oceanic- Art Schrameck
         <- Zilomag TR-746 - Joacir da Silva e Souza
         <- Zilomag TRP-546 - Joacir da Silva e Souza
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The "Archives" are maintained just for fun by Steve Adams at the Radio Attic.
None of the radios in the Archives is for sale!

When cabinet material or color differences are apparent or suspected  in donated photos, I have included additional photos of certain model numbers.  Due to time constraints, I must rely entirely on the accuracy of information supplied by contributors with their photographs.  As such, no guarantee is made that the model numbers presented here are correct.

Images may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution.
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