the Radio Attic's Archives

Radios Beginning with "J"

Here are all the radios in the Archives with manufacturer's name beginning with the letter J.  In those cases in which one model number is listed more than once, there were apparent variations in color, dial style/color, knobs, or year of manufacture in the images provided to the Archives.  Mouse-over the dot next to the model number to see a thumbnail image of the radio.  Click on the dot to see full-sized photograph(s) of the radio.  To see a different group of radios, click on a letter below to see radios beginning with that letter.

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z   

         <- Jackson-Bell "Fan" (1932) - Ben Martin
         <- Jackson-Bell 5 (1931) - Ken Smith
         <- Jackson-Bell 25 (1933) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 25AV - Mark Toppo
         <- Jackson-Bell 45 (1933) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 60 (1930) - Tim Moen
         <- Jackson-Bell 61 (1930) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 62 (1930) - Ben Martin
         <- Jackson-Bell 62 (1932) - Joe Millward
         <- Jackson-Bell 62 (1930) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 62 (1930) - Tom Harris
         <- Jackson-Bell 63 (1930) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 68 (1931) - Ben Martin
         <- Jackson-Bell 82 (1932) Tulip- Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 82 (1932) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 84 (1931) - Phil Bartells
         <- Jackson-Bell 86 - Mark Toppo
         <- Jackson-Bell 89 (1931) - Ben Martin
         <- Jackson-Bell 89A (1931) - Ben Martin
         <- Jackson-Bell 96 (1933) - Ben Martin
         <- Jackson-Bell 99 (1932) - Joe Millward
         <- Jackson-Bell 407 (1936) - Lew Magrish
         <- Jackson-Bell 556 (1936) - Phil Bartells
         <- Jackson-Bell JB-52445 - E.T. Dibble
         <- Jackson-Bell Lark - Gene Bunnell
         <- Jackson-Bell Peacock (1930) - Bob Snively
         <- Jackson-Bell Peter Pan (1932) - Tim Moen
         <- Jackson-Bell Swan (1930) - Bob Snively
         <- Jackson-Bell Tiffany Tone - Ben Martin
         <- Jade 1166-2 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Jade 2215 (1969) - Joseph Rebar
         <- Jade J1212 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Janica SRB-12 - Steve Tardi
         <- Jefferson Travis MR-3 - Gary Arnold
         <- Jenkins JD30 (1932) - Dan Robinson
         <- Jetco PI-12 - Doyle Roberts
         <- Jewel 51 - Thomas Grondin
         <- Jewel 300 (1947) - Tom Neely
         <- Jewel 304 - Gordon Wilson
         <- Jewel 500 (1947) - Tom Harris
         <- Jewel 502 (1947) - Larry Neal
         <- Jewel 505 (1947) Pin-Up- David Spivey
         <- Jewel 549 (1947) - Mark McClure
         <- Jewel 814 - Gary Arnold
         <- Jewel 814 - Gordon Wilson
         <- Jewel 910 (1950) - Jim Wassell
         <- Jewel 915 - Bruce Risley
         <- Jewel 915 - Jeff Moreland
         <- Jewel 935 (1949) - Jim Dennis
         <- Jewel 940 - Bob Warren
         <- Jewel 940 (1949) - Jim Dennis
         <- Jewel 940A (1949) - Jim Dennis
         <- Jewel 955 (1949) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Jewel 955 (1949) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Jewel 955 (1950) - Jim Wassell
         <- Jewel 955 (1949) - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Jewel 956 - Joe & Cheri Schuster
         <- Jewel 956 (1950) - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Jewel 960U (1950) - Greg Bingham
         <- Jewel 960W - Stan Laramore
         <- Jewel 2550 (1953) - Ben Martin
         <- Jewel 5030 Bedside Radio & Lamp- Ken Ruggiero
         <- Jewel 5054U (1950) - Jon Stanley
         <- Jewel 5057U (1950) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Jewel 5057U (1950) - Jim Dennis
         <- Jewel 5100 (1958) - California Historical Radio Society
         <- Jewel 5100 (1953) - David Spivey
         <- Jewel 5200 (1953) - Tom Voegtli
         <- Jewel Gem 955 (1952) - Michael Litvack
         <- Jewel TS-10 - Bob Warren
         <- Jewel TS-10 - Glenn Lawson
         <- Jewel TS-10 (1965) - Ken Smith
         <- Jewett Parkay - Ron Potter
         <- Jewett Parkay - Ron Potter
         <- Johnson Viking Adventurer - Kristopher Gunter
         <- Joni 6J - Ken Smith
         <- Joni 6J - Ben Theiss
         <- Juliette 7M632 - Dan Walker
         <- Juliette APB-11H - Lenny Bickford
         <- Juliette APR-206 - George Aalto
         <- Juliette APR256 - Joseph Rebar
         <- Juliette APR-1407 - Cliff Colson
         <- Juliette CK106 (1966) - Bryan Brittain
         <- Juliette FPR-1272 - Cliff Colson
         <- Juliette FPR-1274A - George Aalto
         <- Juliette FR-1247 - George Aalto
         <- Juliette Micro - Ben Theiss
         <- Juliette Micro - Ben Theiss
         <- Juliette NA7021 - Ken Smith
         <- Juliette RNA-12 - Jason Colombini
         <- Juliette RPR-620 - Lawrence Brown
         <- Juliette RS-61 - Donald Gwinner
         <- Juliette RT-6 - Larry Wyrick
         <- Jupiter 6T-210 - Ben Theiss
         <- Jupiter 6T-330 - Ben Theiss
         <- Japanese Victor Corp. 8H-4 (1960) - Paul Reilly
         <- Japanese Victor Corp. FT-264SP - Donald De Cuir
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A1  A2  A3  A4  A5  A6  A7  A8  B1  B2  C1  C2  C3  C4  C5  D1  D2  D3  
E1  E2  E3  E4  E5  F1  F2  F3  G1  G2  G3  G4  G5  G6  H  IJ  K  L  
M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  NO  P1  P2  P3  P4  P5  P6  R1  R2  R3  R4  R5  
R6  S1  S2  S3  S4  S5  S6  S7  S8  S9  T1  T2  UV  W1  W2  W3  XZ  Z1  
Z2  Z3  Z4  Z5  Z6  Z7  
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The "Archives" are maintained just for fun by Steve Adams at the Radio Attic.
None of the radios in the Archives is for sale!

When cabinet material or color differences are apparent or suspected  in donated photos, I have included additional photos of certain model numbers.  Due to time constraints, I must rely entirely on the accuracy of information supplied by contributors with their photographs.  As such, no guarantee is made that the model numbers presented here are correct.

Images may be used for non-commercial purposes with attribution.
Please do not use, copy, or display these images for any commercial purpose.  Thank you.

© 2001, 2024  the Radio Attic